It would be wonderful of you feel able to make a donation to help children like Jai and in doing so offer the hand of friendship and support to their devoted families.
Here are examples of some of the charity’s expenses and how you can help:
£50 Provides a multi-sensory toy pack for a baby or infant with Type 1 SMA
£150 Funds an outreach support visit to a newly-diagnosed child and family
£2,000 Helps pay for an event where families can meet one another and build support networks
£50,000 Funds a bi-annual residential information and support event for over 300 people
£600,000 Would help keep the charity going for a whole year!
You can see how quickly funds can be used up and this is without the day-to-day expenses faced by any organisation.
It may seem daunting but every £1 received helps reach these targets and is gratefully received. It is really easy to help with even the smallest of gifts.
Jai has his own Giving Page on the SMAUK website, which can be easily found by going to:
You can also help by purchasing the series of stories on Amazon: